Saturday, December 6, 2008

Choice and talking water

I'm not sure why this topic is on my mind at the moment, but I will write a few points that come to mind before I head to bed. People, since the beginning of this earth, have had issues with responsibility. Adam, when asked why he partook of the forbidden fruit, he answered, "Eve gave it to me" When Eve was asked why she partook of the fruit..she replied "...the serpent beguiled me". Why is it that mankind has such blindness when it comes to recognising where fault truly lies? We all have been guilty of it..I'm no exception for sure. I have come across those that always tend to blame others for the way they are feeling. They feel sad because so and so did this to them..or they feel irritated, because they had to deal with this person today...we've all done it. The fact is...No one has the ability to make you or I feel any way, unless we allow it to happen, therefore the fault is our own. I have had many many discussions with different people who have tried to argue this point with me and I have yet been convinced to the otherwise. I have the choice to be happy or miserable,no matter the circumstances. Yes, I know some have more difficult challenges to overcome than others. Yes, I know that I don't know how others feel nor have I walked in their shoes. However, I do know that the choice is still ours. There are countless stories of those who have faced the most extreme adversities and have had the most outstanding attitude and prevailed. All this being said, this line of thinking has taken me a little sideways as I am about to contradict myself. We are all on this Earth together as brothers and sisters. As children of our father in heaven, we are all connected and essentially one entity. We are all organised intelligence with endless possibilities, where all we lack is knowledge. Because of this, it is important for us to show love and kindness to all our brothers and sisters on this earth. Am I saying that we have the ability to cause another person to feel a certain way....yes and no! We can most definitely influence others for good or bad, but again, they have to allow it to happen. There has to be some crucial importance to the main principle that Christ taught while on this Earth. "As I have loved you, love one another" why is this so important? the answer is simple, The love we show others will bring us closer to oneness. We are not separate from everyone else...this idea is what is essentially killing us. we are luminous beings, not just matter. We feed off of positive energy and we die with negative energy. This sounds completely nuts coming from my mouth I know, but I have felt the need to write it. Back to responsibility...We need to rid ourselves of negative feelings..this is our own responsibility. There is no room in our minds for Anger, Hate, Fear, Self Doubt, Jealousy, Suspicion...only LOVE. Maybe I'm writing this so we all keep this in mind for the Holiday season, I don't know. We all need to focus on forgiveness, service and love. There is room for nothing else. This how we are to be like Christ..plain and simple. I want whoever reads this to know that I am personally going to make the effort, and i encourage them to do the same. I have seen this experiment shown a couple of places..thought I would share it.. Its is an experiment with water. Emoto Masaru conducted the original experiment. He took normal distilled water from the same place and photographed it at the molecular level. he then placed different vials of the water in different places with different labels on them. He also took samples of water from different places. And he even had one placed in a meditation circle with a bunch of praying monks. the labels read.."You make me sick,I want to kill you", I love you" some he exposed to different types of music. when people would read these labels, they would naturally reflect thoughts from the labels. Masaru hypothesised that peoples thoughts would change the molecular structure of the water. here are the photos.
Labeled: Love Appreciation

Exposed to : "Healing Music"
Exposed to: "Heavy Metal Music"

Exposed to : the song "silent night"

Labeled: "Thank You"

From: Mount Cook Glacier, New Zealand

Labeled: "You make me sick, I want to kill you"

Exposed to : Prayer from Buddhist monks

Water from : Kobe Japan after Earthquake

Tap Water from Tokyo

Tap Water from Tokyo after thousands send positive thought to it

Labeled: left - Angel, right - Devil
Apparently, Masaru was correct, that water can be influenced by our thoughts, our words and our actions. Then he concludes..."If our thought can do this to water, imagine what they can do to us. Especially remembering that our bodies are 70% water. As members of the church, we know that the water is also intelligence that obeys its creator. That is how Moses parted the Red Sea. The intelligence was responding to the commands of its creator through Moses. now again this does not eliminate the responsibility of us to determine our own feelings, it does however create more responsibility for us to show love to one another. If all of us focus on our own responsibilities and not the responsibilities of others around us...we will have peace and joy. Think about it folks!.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Proposition 8 My thoughts

I have had a chance to let everything sink in. I have seen a lot of footage of the "protesting" and picketing done at our beloved temples. I have watched many videos of people claiming that Mormons HATE. I have allowed myself the time to let my initial feelings pass before I commented publicly. I have read statistics etc...These are my thoughts on the matter for those that care. I do not intend convince anyone that my way of thinking is the correct way, however I naturally do honestly believe it to be so.

1. Obviously, Mormons do not "HATE" as some would lead you to believe. It is completely foolish to argue that point as the track record of the Church in regards to spreading love across the world by means of CHARITY, SERVICE, COMPASSION for the less fortunate, GOOD WORKS by its members, and not to mention the FINANCIAL donations and FOOD SUPPLIES donated all over the world in times of disaster, speaks for itself. Being a temple recommend holder and priesthood holder, never in my interviews with my leaders have I been asked" Are you striving to HATE your fellow man or those that have a different sexual orientation than you? Never have I been trained in teaching the youth in my charge to obtain HATE for homosexuals, neither by my words or nor my actions. I am quite sure in fact that it is against church policy to display or promote HATE of any kind toward any fellow human being.

2. In all the protests I hear "Tax this Church....Tax this Church". I am flabbergasted by this. They are seriously wanting our government to "TAX" a church organization. How many homosexuals, bisexuals, trans-sexuals whatever, have donated money to support their group's "cause"? And all these organizations that have supported the movement to allow marriage to be legalized between members of the same sex....Should they be taxed as well? What they are saying is that all organizations that have a collective opinion and donate money for such cause...should be taxed.? am I hearing this right? This is stupid thinking.You cant TAX a church or non profit organization!!!..who will this help? It will only put more money in the hands of the government for their spending habits, which is a whole new topic that I have strong feelings about. The Tax argument....a non issue for me.

3. Good old fashion "Mormon Persecution" - I don't buy into this. Do I believe that the Mormons have suffered persecution...of course I do, however, I cant think of an organization that hasn't. The Jews, The Gays, The Blacks, The Scottish, The Indians...all have suffered persecution. I don't agree with the practice of persecuting any group. I will not fall into the trap of making others feel like I am being mistreated and that action needs to be taken against it. I will however fight tooth and nail against those who intend to destroy me. I will teach my children to do the same. I will support both physically, and financially, those that will promote my ideals. If this means that I join collectively with the members of my church in supporting the Church in its decisions to donate to certain causes...than so be it. If the Church was donating money towards causes that I disagreed with, I would no longer be a member of that Church. I will endure to the end. I'm sure bad things will come before me sooner or later. I'm sure that this will not be the last time that people will disagree with the views of my church. I'm sure that my children will face adversity in many forms. Here is the difference, we will overcome! I can assure you that My family will not expect sympathy from ANYONE for being who we are or for who we have chosen to be or be a part of. Other organizations have exploited those things and I disagree with that line of thinking.

4. I could sit here and rattle off lines and lines of scripture from both the Bible and Book of Mormon, supporting my views on this subject, but instead I am going to give you my views as they are without supported doctrine, simply for the sake of not wanting to get into a "bible bash" or religious battle. A. I don't believe that GOD the father would be pleased with me if I chose to enter into a homosexual relationship. I believe that marriage IS a matter of religious and spiritual nature and SHOULD be regulated by church officials or those in authority to do so. In my humble opinion, Marriage must be ordained of GOD and should be a ceremony between a man and a woman. I AGREE with the majority, that a marriage between those who are of the same sex, should not be considered a "legal" marriage. Now, as far as our rights as human beings to exorcise our free agency, we have that choice and we have the consequences associated with those choices. I believe in living the laws of the land. I personally choose to live a higher law which is GOD's law, but until one conflicts with the other, I will live both. I vote the way I do because I do not want things that I disagree with being taught to my children in public schools. I will fight for their right to NOT hear these things as being acceptable as they are not acceptable in my mind or the minds of the majority.

These are my feelings on the matter and if you are offended, it is your choice to be so. If you agree with me, continue to stand firm. I am not scared of those who oppose my views. They can choose to protest all they like within their bounds of the laws. If that line is crossed...GOOD LUCK!

Much Love

Big Tom

Sunday, November 16, 2008

40 boring things about me

8 TV shows I watch:
1. House
2. The Office
3. King of the Hill
4. Ultimate Fighter
5. Dog the Bounty Hunter
6. Big Love
7. Dexter
8. Scrubs

8 things that happened yesterday:
1. Slept in
2. Basketball tryouts and Draft for Jr.
3. Lesnar KO'd Couture
4. I drank Mountain Dew
5. I made silly comments on facebook
6. Showered
7. Went to Elders Quorum Activity
8. played my guitar

8 Favorite places to eat
1. Elmers Tacos
2. Manolos (in Panama)
3. Lenos e Carbon (in Panama)
4. Native New Yorker
5. Carrabbas
6. Taco Bell
7. Aloha Kitchen
8. Serranos

8 things I'm looking forward to:
1. The second coming of Christ
2. Watching my sons play sports
3. my next Panama trip
4. experiencing winter for the first time in Missouri
5. upcoming UFC events
6. Thanksgiving Turkey with all the fixins
7. watching Dexter tonight
8. seeing my family grow

8 things on my wishlist
1. Hummer
2. being debt free
3. Good healthy knees
4. good health for my family
5. better understanding of the scriptures
6. success in business
7. this one is private
8. this one is private

8 tagged people:
1. whoever wants to do it!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Boxing Night at Our House!

So every once in a while, I like to break out the boxing gloves and let my kids go at it with each other. Good healthy fun right? So just to be fair..I let the kids get some good punches in on their dad as well. So Brett, even though his appearance looks otherwise, won this particular match. In fact, he was undefeated for the night. Tommy helped him obtain this little bleeder with a good right hook. Boxing night sure is fun!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tribute to the new President Hussein

So we have a new quote un-quote "leader". I am worried about him trying to take our guns away. I am worried about him appointing those that don't have America's interest in heart to offices of power. I am worried about his plans to devalue the US dollar in order to instate the new currency of the AMERO, bringing us closer to a global government. I don't like the fact that he does not believe in God or Jesus Christ. I don't like the fact that he is registered as a MUSLIM. I hate that he was quoted saying "the Constitution is flawed" and "It is just a pice of paper". I can't stand Michelle Obama Hussein in the slightest. It disgusts me that he wont put his hand over is heart during the star spangled banner and wont say the pledge of allegiance. I am fear full of his intentions of stripping away our civil rights. I am very concerned with his economic strategy. But, as I have said before, this is the test to many of us. This is the time when we will have to endure to the end. Our faith will be tested. Our children will face more adversity than we could imagine. Nations are going to seek to destroy us. It is time to be stronger than ever in teaching your children correct principles. We must take the rights we still have as free citizens and exercise them to the fullest. This election was no surprise for me. It was prophecy that we would have a leader of foreign descent that would come into power and confuse and beguile our nation. Why are some of us surprised? Long ago since the times of President Jackson even, we as Americans have been allowing our rights to be slowly stripped from us. We have allowed the views of our society influence our thinking and The family unit at its core has suffered. Although I fear these things and have concern, I will stand courageous with my family and make it known that we stand firm with our faith in God and our Prophets. No one..including our new President...can strip us of that! There will be "change" alright, but not the change people were hoping for. Many fools will come to realize that they have supported someone who is deceiving them. My view will not change. This is not a battle of RACE, although the blacks have made it so. Here is the proof. 93% of blacks voted for Obama. 36% of those that voted, have never voted in another election...why now? I don't was inevitable, but never again will I lend a shred of sympathy when a black person tries to play the race card with me. As far as the civil rights movement, one thing was proven on November 4th. We as a nation took a couple steps back in our progression to becoming a Nation of equality.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

How do you like them apples?

On occasion, I get a sort of therapy out of writing on my blog or in my personal journal. I have sort of combined the 2 however I do have one for personal use only as well. The thoughts expressed here on this blog are more general and have been edited somewhat in order to protect those that are more sensitive. I am very thankful at this time for the things which I have been blessed with. I wish to talk a little more about this coming election as I have had the opportunity to live in a "swing State" for the past few months. To be has been quite refreshing to live outside Arizona, where everyone is just hardcore republican..just because everyone else is, I am refreshed to see a more diverse population here in the Midwest, however I see many many black people that are voting for Obama just because he is black. People are so ignorant it is silly.I am not Republican and I am definitely not Democrat. Republican politicians have lost touch in what being "Conservative" means. and Democrats...well, they are just insane! If I must put label on myself it would be "Conservative Libertarian". I believe in the constitution. I believe it was inspired by God. Our modern day Prophets have told us to uphold the Constitution. They have told us to be aware of the dangers of those who wish to strip us of our freedoms. This is not an effort to express my opinion or get into a discussion about who to vote for..I have been over that previously and it is irrelevant. This is a plea to anyone who reads this to wake up and stand up for your constitutional rights and protect them. We have the right to bear arms..Why? We have the freedom of religion..Why? We have the right to own property...again..Why? The freedom of speech...Why....we have every one of these rights because our founding fathers knew that if we didn't have these things...our government would be able to enslave us. I encourage all to buy guns and ammo while we still can...prices are through the roof in anticipation of Obama getting into property...speak out on your beliefs...before we know it, there will be penalties for displaying discontent with our longer will we be allowed to have sufficient firearms enough to overthrow a government if needed and religious freedoms will controlled by those who want you to believe as they do. Already we are faced with legislation that would prohibit any religion from not accepting same sex marriages. Be aware of these things.

On a lighter note. things are going good here in Missouri. Our family is pretty much adjusted. I am getting used to the cold weather and I bought my first pair of heavy duty cover-alls for the winter. The other morning I was out working and I was literally stung by the cold air going through my clothes. I really am an Arizona Boy. I have an interesting story to tell as I attended my kids' parent/teacher conference this last week. All the kids are doing well and learning the new system. Brett however is our "dreamer" that doesn't finish his work on time and is hard to keep on task. His teacher told us of a story that they were supposed to write about. She told them to pretend that they were each given a big basket of apples and they were to write about what they would do with the apples. Most kids wanted to make apple pie or apple turnovers or candied apples etc..Brett however..he wanted just to keep his basket of apples. His teacher thought this was because he just didn't want to write about anything, which may have been the case. I thought to myself..I would do the same thing...why ruin a nice basket of apples. It is just a hassle to make pies and such when one could just sit and enjoy his or her nice fresh apples. I sided with Brett on this particular issue but we will be working with him and figure out ways to keep him on task.

How do you like them apples????

Friday, October 31, 2008

Who knew ladybugs bite???

So Im sitting in the bobcat at the yard as Wylson, my cousin's son, is loading up the bucket, when all of a sudden I feel a sting on my neck. I slapped the back of my neck and I see the critter fall down the front of my shirt onto the floor of the bobcat. I leaned over and picked it up...and to my suprise..A LADYBUG! I grew up around ladybugs and have had them crawl on me before...never have I been bitten by one. wasnt like a bee sting or anything..but it gave a little sting and I definately would not enjoy getting bit by one again, but it is just crazy to me that those little things actually bite. I will never be nice to a ladybug again..Im sorry. That is all!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Young Men's Secretary

So I am back in the Young Men's program as YM secretary in my new ward. Alice is the Achievement Day leader and CTR 9 teacher. I have been given special instructions to spend most of my time in the Teacher's Quorum. I have been either Teacher's Quorum advisor, Assistant Teacher's Quorum Advisor, Varsity Coach, Assistant Varsity Coach, !st councelor in the Young Men's Presidency, all14-15 yr olds. At least 11 wards that I can think of, Never in the Deacons or Priests quorums. this has been it for the last 11 years since Ive been married. I love working with the young men. I enjoy teaching those little punks, who are just like I was/am, to shape up and honor their priesthood and fulfill their duties. In reality, as much as I have tought them, they have tought me. With these callings I have grown to value the teachings of my parents and it has definately given me perspective as a parent myself. I am excited to be back in with the Teachers. Maybe the Lord thinks I have not progressed in my own mind past the 14-15 yr old stage and He figures Ill fit right in.

This is me a couple years ago, showin the varsity scouts how things are done. I cant wait for the next campout!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Election

I am sitting here in my new home in Missouri, enjoying the cool 75 degree weather, the leaves turning yellow, the occasional thunderstorm etc... I ponder a few things as I sit here. I watched the Vice Presidential and Presidential debates and I of course, being the opinionated individual I am, have my interpretation of things to come. I am very impressed with the mind of whomever decided to put that woman in as running mate to John McCain. PURE GENIUS!!!! As intelligent as I think I am, I would have never thought of this tactic. HOWEVER, I will not be sucked into this as most republicans have been! Listen...Our society as we know it is FAILING!!!! Why is this???Plain and simple.......Men are not acting like men...and woman are not acting like women. I know there are many of you...even in my family that have disagreements with me regarding this subject, but the facts are the facts. Crime is high (rape, murder, theft, assault etc..), Grade averages are dropping at alarming rates each year nationally, teen pregnancy is climbing, homosexuality is becomming more and more common and "normal", boys are dressing like girls and girls like boys, "unisex" or metrosexual" is a common term for modern clothing. I can go on and on and on...We have to ask ourselves...WHY??? The answer is simply this...There are fewer mothers left in the home. Did we not think that there would be consequences to this line of behavior? Our society makes it easier for a woman to get divorced and be a single mom, rather than work things out with her husband. Now..I know there are circumstances that justify a divorce and a woman woking to provide for her family...Im not talking about those situations. Im talking about plain old common selfishness that causes a family to want more worldly things and to cause divorces which ultimately snatches the mom right out of the home and into the work force. I have a few points to make about this,,,again...not talking about the acceptions here...just generality. 1. Women are not equal to men....never have been, never will be. If God had created us equal, Men would be more sensative, Woman would be bigger and stronger with broad shoulders. Men were created to work and provide and Women were created to nurture and teach children, and together, it is Yen and Yang, peanut butter and jelly, the perfect match.

2. This world we live in can be mean, cold and harsh. It will chew you up and spit you out if you are not careful. This is no place for our heavenly father's daughters. They are to be kept safe and sheltered from the evils of the world and protected by the man who was designed to do so.

In conclusion to these thoughts, I CANNOT support a Vice President who wishes to set the example to the world that Americans no longer adhere to the traditional values that have kept our nation strong for all these years. This is the root of our problem folks. Sure, there are good and bad points for both sides of the presidential ticket. dont even get me started on Obama. I will put it to you straight like this. McCain is wolf in sheep's clothing and Obama is a wolf in Wolves clothing. They are both wolves and they are both dangerous to our nation. Prepare accordingly. Im not voting for either! There is no lesser of 2 evils here...ther is only evil!

vote Big Tom Van Vleet for president.because..on one hand we must vote because it is American...on the other hand...our votes dont vote for me!

Im seriously gonna write myself in on the ballot

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I am calling myself a tornado survivor

Well, I flew back to Arizona after surviving my first tornado. Here's the deal...After not making my stand-by flight due to many travelers getting out of Kansas City, I decided to buy a ticket and who cares about the cost. I vowed at one point in my life to never fly stand-by, just because I didn't like the idea of sitting at the airport, waiting for a possible flight. I need to KNOW that I will be leaving for sure or else I don't want to go to the airport and wait...and wait...and wait. But I went against my better judgement and took a stand-by ticket from a very nice and willing neighbor in Casa Grande. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but trying to save a few bucks isn't always the best option. Anyway...after buying a last minute ticket, I'm sitting on my plane and they just signaled us to leave the gate, We were all of a sudden instructed to evacuate the plane as a tornado had just touched down at the airport. I thought is was a joke of course. So they herded us all out the plane...down the hall and into the tunnels of the parking garage. I started thinking to myself as the entire KC airport was shut down...."This is going to be huge mess to get all these scattered passengers back through security, to their proper flights and onto their planes, especially since some of those dummies left their ID on the planes". I was amazed at how fast they got us all back into motion after the threat for a tornado had passed. So I consider my self officially...A TORNADO SURVIVOR. I never saw it or anything..but I was there and I survived. Come to think of it..I'm a Katrina and 9/11 survivor too. So I made it back to AZ to pick up my family. We drove for 2 days with a moving truck and a trailer. It was an experience as Alice was a nervous wreck as she pulled that 12' trailer from AZ to Missouri. So....we are now 90% settled in our home here in Blue Springs, Mo. We ended up with a different house than described before. It is a better home with closer proximity to John and his family. Our kids are having a blast with each other. Blah Blah Blah...I'm bored with writing about that. I'm gonna ramble a little. The weather is awesome...The Royals have won 11 of 13 of their last games which puts them in......ta da...2nd to last in their division...why try at this point?....Chiefs are 0-3....uh...I have lots of work to do tomorrow but I cant sleep. After packing and unpacking all of your find things you haven't seen in a long time. I am very concerned with the value of the dollar as it is plummeting. The government wants to slap a band-aid on the wound by "bailing out" these mortgage companies...Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac....We have to pay billions for this as taxpayers...this will only devalue the dollar. Lets just keep printing money I guess. Obama and McCain are puppets and I am not voting for either. I'm voting for myself this year. It is nice that I can wear my winter clothes longer and more often now that I am in Missouri. I am delirious right now. Thank you to everyone who helped me pack my know who you are. MArk...Dad....Dan T...My Neighbors...Barron....Some Elders....My new ward seems like it will be nice...I am looking forward to some Football on my high definition Television this weekend as I have been without my own TV for almost 2 months. I LOOOOOOVE my shower. I am having dreams of breaking apart trailers..should that be a concern?....hahahaha..thought of something funny. I'm going to force myself to sleep...I will be more coherent and maybe have some pictures on my next post...seriously least my office is set up and I can check up on all you fine folks.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Looking at houses

I have found a house on the border of Kansas City, Mo and Independence, Mo that I am intersted in. It is 3000 sf. 3 bd 2.5 bath. It has a HUGE master suite with whirlpool tub. It has a basement living room that I am thinking about making into the boys room. How cool would it be to have a huge living room as a bed room? All three boys could share and have their toys and it would free up the rooms upstairs for Monique and my office. It has a Living and Family room upstairs. Huge beautiful backyard that my kids would love. It is my top choice so far. The best part is that it is less than 2 miles from the Kansas City Royals and chiefs stadiums. I am so excited to be able to sport the blue and white with some pride as I will be away from all the Dbacks fans and their smug winning team. I will have a softspot in my heart for the dbacks still, but In the American League...Royal Blue Baby!!!!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

It is so refreshing here!

I am chillin here in Missouri, at my cousin John's house, trying not to wake up Wylson who is borderline sleeping. I feel impressed to jot down a few ideas. I would first like to address the issue of the election as the Republican Convention is fresh on my mind. I was impressed with the speech writers of John McCain. I admire his courageousness as a POW and I admire his tough attitude. I agree with most of the things he said in his speech and I APPRECIATED the fact that he has faith in God. However, I do not agree with his stance on the war, nor do I like a man who flip flops on his issues. I am still undecided on rather to vote for him, or write in Ron Paul, as I am torn with the fact that our votes ultimately wont count as the electoral college determines the outcome. I also feel it is Un-American not to vote so I will exercise my right to vote as well as my right to bare arms. I am leaning toward voting for whom I think is the best candidate (Ron Paul)and let what happens happen. I know Ron Paul is not even really running anymore, but he is still my top choice, so that is who I will vote for. If Obama is elected, it will just bring us that much closer to the second coming of Christ , which would be better anyway. Brig it on! Now, off of politics and down to a more personal level. I have lived here in Missouri with John's family now for 3 weeks. I have learned more in 3 weeks than I have learned in any 3 years combined in my life. I have been awakened on several levels. I am having awesome spiritual discussions with my cousin. I am putting my body through trials that are challenging and building up physical and mental muscles that have been dormant for a while. It is so refreshig to my soul. I have always considered myself to be a tough kid and man and I have figured myself as a mental giant, however, I have been humbled and lifted in many ways. I am learning what HARD work is and I am loving it. That's heard it from me personally. Tom Van Vleet is enjoying hard work. Now, I have worked hard in the past, don't get me wrong, but My cousin John is an example of a man who is one of the hardest workers I have come across in my days, along with my father. I am doing things that I wouldn't have even tried before now...This scrap metal business is so therapeutic. I can take a sledge hammer all day long and pound down aluminum panels, and while I do it, I zone out to parts of my mind that have been un tapped for years. I am comprehending literature better, I am focused on my scripture and church history studies, I am aware and making adjustments in my own imperfections as a father and husband. I am realizing my talents and strengths, I am realizing the limits and potential of my body and mind. I am very grateful to my cousin for believing in me and my talents. He actually believes I can do things that I didn't think I could do, and I have always had a high opinion of myself. John is an example of how I would like to be and how I want my sons to be. His wife Jen is awesome and I really admire her as well. She is a great mother and wife. I am lucky to have a wife like that as well. It has been somewhat difficult to be away from my family for this long, but I feel John and I will have success in our endeavors as we strive to build up our business and the kingdom of God simultaniously. This sacrifice has been difficult, yet uplifting for me and I feel that when my family is reunited with me here in Missouri, we will be a stronger unit because of the growth that has transpired. John's kids call me "Tommy", which I kinda like, although it will get a tad confusing when my son Tommy comes around. They will have to call him "Junior" I guess.I have felt like one of the family here and welcome as such. I have really enjoyed the company of John's kids as they make me feel less homesick. I have nothing but positive feelings about this move and therefore I feel it is sanctioned by Heavenly Father that this is where my family is to be at this point. I have not received anything regarding the gathering place of the Mormons or that there is purpose for me here in that respect, but I do see many opportunities for service in the church here and I am excited to get started as my family is ready for the blessings. I will be sad to leave the proximity of my parents and I will miss them dearly. I hope that we get a chance to visit them often here or there. Maybe they will move out here to Zion??? I have a funny story to share. John and his family and I loaded up the canoe to go to the lake for Labor Day. While John and Wylson were out on the lake, trying to swamp and unswamp the canoe as we learned in the scouting program. I watched them struggle, and thought I could do a better job teaching as I have taught the canoeing merit badge in the past. so I swam out to lend some instruction. after several attempts, we figured out how to flip the canoe with minimal water left inside it. then John and I decided to act as if it were a live situation and not only flip it but get back inside...the both of us. This was difficult as we are of different weight. ( i wont say by how much,but it tended to tilt toward my side more than his. We tried and tried and tried. Me first then him, him first than me. It was a difficult task and we were gettin exhausted. After about 30 tries, we gave it one more go and I got in and settled, then he started to get in as I balanced us out. As he centered his weight, we wobbled and wobbled and.... viola, we were in. After a split second of admiring our accomplishment, we both raised our fists in victory. Unfortunately, we both raised the fist on the same side of the canoe and immediately rolled over back into the water. We were laughing and laughing and were so tired, that is was hard to stay afloat while laughing, which made us laugh more. It was a fun time to spend together and Im sure we will both chuckle about it when we think about it years from now. I am looking forward to the near future and hope that my friends will miss us and come visit sometime. I am thankful for my friends in Arizona and hope to make a few new ones here in Missouri. I will leave this post with some words of advice that I was taught by my football coach but I have applied it to my life recently while working and maybe someone who reads this will benefit from it. " In life, or in football, or anything...It is better to be the Hammer than the nail"

Good Night

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Missouri....did he say MISSOURI?

Well, I have made a decision, after some prayerful consideration, to pack up my gear and move to Independence Missouri, and do....What is it I'm doing?...oh yes...Scrap Metal. That's right...SCRAP METAL. My cousin John has been doing a scrap business aside from his normal job at the plant he manages, and we have spoken about the possibilities, and I decided that we could have some success together. This will be a big move for my family and I and i will still continue to work on my Panama deals, but, for the time being, I will be doing something that i consider to be completely out of my character and out of my realm of expertise, and out of my comfort zone as far as cold weather is concerned. I am an Arizona boy who busts out his heavy jacket when it drops down to 35 degrees. Now I hear it will be snowy and icy, which I will NOT be used to. I have had a few conversations with my older cousin regarding Life and things in general and we both agree that this life needs to be experienced. I feel somewhat rejuvenated, knowing I will be facing new challenges and new relationships in the church and work etc, without the comfort of what I feel is huge network of support from family and friends in Arizona. I'm leaving it all behind. I have cherished my network of contacts over the years. I have have nurtured and groomed my relationships. I have developed connections in every line of work, where if I needed something done, i knew the right person for the job, even to the point where people call me, knowing i have those connections. Now...I will have my cousin, and the church members..and....uh....that sums it up. I may not make it rich or my problems may not go away with this move, but it will be a change that my wife and I feel has been needed in our lives. My kids will experience the four seasons as they are meant to be experienced, rather than the 10 months of summer and 2 months of mild winter as Arizona is. They will get to visit historic sights where Joseph smith made his mark back in the 1800s. They will be in a place where the signs are not in English and Spanish, but just English. They will make new friends and spend time with cousins that they have not gotten to know. This is both exciting and nerve racking, but I am up for the challenge. I love it here in Missouri, and I look forward to working with my cousin John as I have always admired and respected him since i was coming up as a kid. He continues to be a good example to me and if he can learn to put up with my slow driving, and laid back attitude, I can put up with his quirks, especially how he hates driving with the windows down...crazy huh? I will take some pictures as things progress here. Oh and by the way, John lives 10 minutes away from the Kansas city Royals and Chiefs stadium. I went to my first Royals game yesterday with John, and they lost to the Detroit Tigers, but it was nice to see other folks wearing the blue and white for once. I am very excited about being near the team I have loved since I was a kid. It is also cool to tell people that I was born out here in Wichita. I saw the stadium that my dad kicked field goals in while my mom was pregnant with me. I feel very at home here and I am ready to see my family as they are waiting for me to bring them here.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The UFC and the MMA world.

Here are a few of my thoughts on the UFC and the MMA world.

1. Tim Silvia is a horrible fighter
2. Rampage is a one time wonder and would not beat Chuck again ever
3. Watching the light weights fight is boring
4. I dont care for all the foreigners that cry after they win or lose on national telivision.
5. The UFC is undeniably the best of the best as far as fighters, but They really need to start paying these guys more money.
6. I dont know anyone who can beat Fedor or Anderson Silva at this time in their weight classes.
7. Forest Griffin is awesome
8. The ultimate fighter series keeps getting better.
9. I hope Affliction keeps growing.
10. My favorite fighters right now are: forest Griffin, Fedor Emilianenko, Chuck, Anderson Silva, BJ Penn,
11. I am also looking forward to watching a few of the young guys progress
12. Uriah Faber is fun to watch even though he is a little tike.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

%&*#in TAG?

I would only do this for you Marla...and don't ever let anyone say that Tom is a "Ninny".

Im not sure which one you want so Ill do them both. How bout that?

Tag 1.

Two names you go by: Big Tom, Tommygun
Two things Im wearing right now: shirt and basketball shorts
Two longest car rides: Drove 36 hours two Florida (3 days of driving) , then when I moved back to Az..I did it straight with no sleep
Two of my favorite things: My Colt .45 and my guitar
Two things you want very badly right now: success and health
Two animals you have or have had: Leo the Lizard now and a Rambo the Scorpion
Two people to fill this out: Janel and Stephanie
Two things you ate today: Hamburger and Spaghetti Oh's
Two people you last spoke with: Matt and Dave
Two things you are doing tomorrow: Stressing and Brainstorming
Two favorite hollidays: Spring Training Baseball and My Birthday ( I realize those arent hollidays, but they are still my favorite)
Two favorite beverages: Orange Juice and V8

K ..Tag #2

Picture Blog Tag.The rules are you have to take ten pictures of the following things. And you have to do it right away. No straightening, cleaning or wiping your child's nose. Then you tag five others.
1. The Fridge: nothing in there, we just got back from vacation

2. The Closet: there's Brett hiding in there

3. Self Portrait: this was actually from months ago but i look all scragly

4. Favorite Room: My office. thie picture is fuzzy

6. Laundry Room: What is David doing in there?

7. Toilet: Caught Tommy in here...weird

8. What your kids are doing right now: posing in weird places for this tag thing
9. Favorite Vacation Spot: anywhere I can play roulette

10. Favorite shoes: my white loafers from ALDO

Ok I tag nobody..this is a pain in the ass and i dont want anyone cursing my name like im doing to Marla right now!

Thoughts on a Sunday afternoon

I have a few comments on some random thoughts that are pressing on my mind currently.

1. I have no room whatsoever at this time in my life for negativity. My toleration for those who are negative is growing thinner as I grow older. Now, that being said, I personally need to work on controlling my own negativity which I have full intention of doing. I am in no way exempt. I have more thoughts on this matter which I will refrain from documenting at this time.

2. We as Men (Fathers, Husbands, Priesthood Leaders Etc...) have an extremely difficult responsibility to maintain our households spiritually, mentally, physically, and financially. It is my observation, that often times, the burdens which are placed on the shoulders of men are overlooked and under appreciated. I want it clear that I am in NO WAY complaining about anyone in particular in my life personally, however, I have witnessed this in my life and in the lives of others around me. This is not an attack on women or anything of that nature as I have much respect for the burdens which women have to bare. These are simply my thoughts that are on my mind at the moment. I do not expect anyone to read my writing and go out and change their behavior, nor do I expect any different treatment.

3. I want to say something concerning my wife as it has been pointed out to me that I have not mentioned her very often in my writing. Alice is quite possibly the best wife, mother, cook, maid, taxi driver, and friend on the planet. She is talented in so many ways. She is feisty, smart, beautiful, loving, understanding and warm. Sure, like any human being, she is not perfect, however I'm pretty convinced that there is no one else on this creation that is more tailored to put up with me and my way of thinking. For those of you who know me, I am in no way admitting that my way of thinking is wrong or abnormal. I just think that it is different than most of society, which makes all the rest of society wrong. And she does a good job of putting up with that.

4. I have a struggle at the moment with random people. On one hand, I believe that we are all ONE. Without going too much into doctrine, I believe that our connection with one another is based off of The Creation from our Father in Heaven. The question is this; Why am I so annoyed with random strangers and their uncanny ability to be ignorant and indifferent. Why do people tend to see faults in one another long before they recognize their talents and abilities? Why is it that people are two-faced and back-stabbing to one another long before they are charitable and understanding? This is something that I really struggle with. To be "Christ like" is one of the hardest things to be, yet it only makes the most sense logically. I agree that unconditional love and forgiveness is crucial to our eternal joy. I don't need anyone to send me scriptural references or anything to answer these questions as I have read them all already. I'm positive that I am not the first to struggle with this. I suppose I just need to humble myself somehow.

5. I consider myself to be an extremely easy going man. I don't get worked up easily, nor do I even raise my voice but on few occasions. I am working very hard to restrain my thoughts at the moment as I reflect on certain recent incidents. I will leave it at this. We have a responsibility to not only teach, but to groom our children into the gods they are to become. Of course they have the ultimate responsibility for their own soles, but as parents, there is a responsibility that we will be judged upon, that has more importance than most people comprehend. Because of that I feel as if it is a direct threat to me, when others impose their will upon my children, in any form. I realize that this is unavoidable on this earth, but I feel the need to do everything within my power to protect my right as a Father. My blood boils when I think of anyone other than myself, trying to interject their beliefs and motives into the minds of my children, which are contrary to my own. Furthermore, I do not tolerate those who feel the need to discipline my children physically or mentally. That is my job and my wife's job period.

6. I heard a very good talk today in church that has inspired me to be a better husband and father. Also, I am thankful for the opportunity to be married in the Temple with my wife.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Im Back Baby!

Well, I have been back from Panama for a few days now. As my trip was grueling and trying to say the least, I still feel it was rather productive. As always when I go down south to Panama, I get the opportunity to stay with my uncle Don. For those of you who dont know uncle Don, I will do my best to paint a picture of him. To start, He is a genius, when it comes to law and land title history. I dont know anyone with the type of mind conditioning to be able to do what he does. Instead of A Database with finca (parcel) numbers and Land title history, or even a file system containing maps and court documents etc..., he has all this stored in his head. Im talking hundreds and hundreds of cases, motions, purchases, sales, history going back over 100 years in some cases, all in his head. Now for the record, he does have file folders that these things are kept in, but they are all over the place, in different rooms, stacks and all kinds of places, yet if he needed a particular document, he'd find it in 5 seconds. Of course, a guy like this has his quirks. He refuses to stay up after 8pm. He wakes up at the crack of dawn (3 am) and starts his day. He does alot of work at the public registry and archives building in Panama City so he strategically places himself right across the street in a little asian restaurant, where he has 4 or 5 little runners fetching documents, noterizing documents and making copies. He will slip them a $5 bill or $10 bill here and there, and he will buy the secretaries breakfast every morning, just so he can have his people on the inside. Its quite the sight to see. Here is a picture of his "office". You can notice the files sitting on the table as his watcher takes care of watching his car and his papers for which he is compensated a dollar or two. He is an interesting character to say the least. He has worked extremely hard on these land title aquisitions for many years and hopefully he sees the fruits of his labors.

I also had the opportunity to go look at a couple properties with him and Mark, who came down for a few days. We drove for about an hour and a half to a little town called Lagarterita. I fell asleep on the way of course, just like i always do while riding in a car in Panama. The humidity and the air blowing through the windows puts me right to sleep everytime. As we pulled up to this lake property, Uncle Don said he was going to round up a boat for us to go around the lake in. People would think I was telling stories if I explained what pulled into the dock for us to "ride" in. Thats why I took a picture of it. this thing looked like it was 100 years old and ready to fall apart. as it pulled up, there was a girl with a bucket throwing water out of the boat. I said to my Uncle.."You dont expect ME to get in you?" He replied "Sure..this thing is the real'll be fine." I acted like i wasnt nervous and i got in. I know i am a good swimmer. I got in and as soon as I entered, water started leaking from the bottom. I manned the bucket for a bit then traded to the Panamanian girl as I was more confident we would be ok. We saw the most beautiful sites on that lake. Its an Experience that Mark and I both agree that everyone should experience but few actually get to do. I took a picture of my Uncle Don and one of Mark and I, and a couple of the Islands and Lake properties. This would be an awesome place to have a little private casita to get away from everything. Also, The driver of the boat said he catches 100 fish in an hour on this lake.

It was an interesting trip. I also got a chance to go visit the new Temple that was completed the week I was there and the open house was going on so I took the tour. It is a beautiful Temple and I can't wait to go through it after it is dedicated. I had the privelidge of walking through with my couzin Brent and his family and my couzin Mark. I took a couple pictures of the outside but here is a link to the vertual tour provided by the Church. .

The building below, is the home of the Temple President who I met and also the missionary quarters and Apartments for when the General Authorities come to visit. I heard that President Monson is coming down to Panama for the Temple Dedication on Aug 10th 2008. My couzin Brent who is the Stake President in the City has the privelidge of having his wife cooking for President Monson and their family is attending the dedication from inside the Temple.

Last but not least, I was riding in the SUV with Brent and we stopped to look at the sloth that was hanging on the fence by his house. He says he sees them all the time. I had to take his (or Her) picture.

All in all it was eventful and some fun. I am now getting ready to get back on a plane and fly to Utah, then drive to Wyoming to meet up with my family for some camping.

Monday, July 7, 2008


Well, Im off to PANAMA...Again!...sheesh. What a drag huh? My cousin Mark and I are workin hard to put something together on this Land Development down there in Panama. Unfortunately for us, we have to travel down there occasionally, you know..for work. Anywho....I will be slaving away down in Central America for 2 weeks.
I know what you are thinking. Its not fair right? Why should I have to suffer through these trips instead of you right? I know. Life just isnt fair. Listen dont feel bad that i will be stuck in a third world country with no one to cook for know what that means...

I will most likely have to go to Manolos or Lenas E Carbon for food. I know..Its not Alice's home cookin, but I'll manage. Dont feel bad for me that I will have to endure all the contruction going on and the rain. I have to listen to those darn tropical storms every day and night. I might have to get myself a pistacio milkshake, just so I can last through the days there...

then Im gonna have to taxi myself around during the night just so I can get to the restaurant without having to walk. Can you believe they will actually expect me to pay $1.50, just for them to drive me everywhere I need to go in town. What kind of scam is that I ask you?

Then of course there is all the darn sand. I mean On top of the horrible 85 degree weather and tropical rain storms, we got sand. does the insanity ever end? not to mention always smelling the ocean whenever we are by the coast. Listen, someone has to bite the bullet and take one for the team. I'll be the guy this time, but believe me. feel glad you are in your nice comfortable summer weather and you have your jobs to kill the time. I'll try to make the best of things.