Friday, November 21, 2008

Proposition 8 My thoughts

I have had a chance to let everything sink in. I have seen a lot of footage of the "protesting" and picketing done at our beloved temples. I have watched many videos of people claiming that Mormons HATE. I have allowed myself the time to let my initial feelings pass before I commented publicly. I have read statistics etc...These are my thoughts on the matter for those that care. I do not intend convince anyone that my way of thinking is the correct way, however I naturally do honestly believe it to be so.

1. Obviously, Mormons do not "HATE" as some would lead you to believe. It is completely foolish to argue that point as the track record of the Church in regards to spreading love across the world by means of CHARITY, SERVICE, COMPASSION for the less fortunate, GOOD WORKS by its members, and not to mention the FINANCIAL donations and FOOD SUPPLIES donated all over the world in times of disaster, speaks for itself. Being a temple recommend holder and priesthood holder, never in my interviews with my leaders have I been asked" Are you striving to HATE your fellow man or those that have a different sexual orientation than you? Never have I been trained in teaching the youth in my charge to obtain HATE for homosexuals, neither by my words or nor my actions. I am quite sure in fact that it is against church policy to display or promote HATE of any kind toward any fellow human being.

2. In all the protests I hear "Tax this Church....Tax this Church". I am flabbergasted by this. They are seriously wanting our government to "TAX" a church organization. How many homosexuals, bisexuals, trans-sexuals whatever, have donated money to support their group's "cause"? And all these organizations that have supported the movement to allow marriage to be legalized between members of the same sex....Should they be taxed as well? What they are saying is that all organizations that have a collective opinion and donate money for such cause...should be taxed.? am I hearing this right? This is stupid thinking.You cant TAX a church or non profit organization!!!..who will this help? It will only put more money in the hands of the government for their spending habits, which is a whole new topic that I have strong feelings about. The Tax argument....a non issue for me.

3. Good old fashion "Mormon Persecution" - I don't buy into this. Do I believe that the Mormons have suffered persecution...of course I do, however, I cant think of an organization that hasn't. The Jews, The Gays, The Blacks, The Scottish, The Indians...all have suffered persecution. I don't agree with the practice of persecuting any group. I will not fall into the trap of making others feel like I am being mistreated and that action needs to be taken against it. I will however fight tooth and nail against those who intend to destroy me. I will teach my children to do the same. I will support both physically, and financially, those that will promote my ideals. If this means that I join collectively with the members of my church in supporting the Church in its decisions to donate to certain causes...than so be it. If the Church was donating money towards causes that I disagreed with, I would no longer be a member of that Church. I will endure to the end. I'm sure bad things will come before me sooner or later. I'm sure that this will not be the last time that people will disagree with the views of my church. I'm sure that my children will face adversity in many forms. Here is the difference, we will overcome! I can assure you that My family will not expect sympathy from ANYONE for being who we are or for who we have chosen to be or be a part of. Other organizations have exploited those things and I disagree with that line of thinking.

4. I could sit here and rattle off lines and lines of scripture from both the Bible and Book of Mormon, supporting my views on this subject, but instead I am going to give you my views as they are without supported doctrine, simply for the sake of not wanting to get into a "bible bash" or religious battle. A. I don't believe that GOD the father would be pleased with me if I chose to enter into a homosexual relationship. I believe that marriage IS a matter of religious and spiritual nature and SHOULD be regulated by church officials or those in authority to do so. In my humble opinion, Marriage must be ordained of GOD and should be a ceremony between a man and a woman. I AGREE with the majority, that a marriage between those who are of the same sex, should not be considered a "legal" marriage. Now, as far as our rights as human beings to exorcise our free agency, we have that choice and we have the consequences associated with those choices. I believe in living the laws of the land. I personally choose to live a higher law which is GOD's law, but until one conflicts with the other, I will live both. I vote the way I do because I do not want things that I disagree with being taught to my children in public schools. I will fight for their right to NOT hear these things as being acceptable as they are not acceptable in my mind or the minds of the majority.

These are my feelings on the matter and if you are offended, it is your choice to be so. If you agree with me, continue to stand firm. I am not scared of those who oppose my views. They can choose to protest all they like within their bounds of the laws. If that line is crossed...GOOD LUCK!

Much Love

Big Tom

Sunday, November 16, 2008

40 boring things about me

8 TV shows I watch:
1. House
2. The Office
3. King of the Hill
4. Ultimate Fighter
5. Dog the Bounty Hunter
6. Big Love
7. Dexter
8. Scrubs

8 things that happened yesterday:
1. Slept in
2. Basketball tryouts and Draft for Jr.
3. Lesnar KO'd Couture
4. I drank Mountain Dew
5. I made silly comments on facebook
6. Showered
7. Went to Elders Quorum Activity
8. played my guitar

8 Favorite places to eat
1. Elmers Tacos
2. Manolos (in Panama)
3. Lenos e Carbon (in Panama)
4. Native New Yorker
5. Carrabbas
6. Taco Bell
7. Aloha Kitchen
8. Serranos

8 things I'm looking forward to:
1. The second coming of Christ
2. Watching my sons play sports
3. my next Panama trip
4. experiencing winter for the first time in Missouri
5. upcoming UFC events
6. Thanksgiving Turkey with all the fixins
7. watching Dexter tonight
8. seeing my family grow

8 things on my wishlist
1. Hummer
2. being debt free
3. Good healthy knees
4. good health for my family
5. better understanding of the scriptures
6. success in business
7. this one is private
8. this one is private

8 tagged people:
1. whoever wants to do it!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Boxing Night at Our House!

So every once in a while, I like to break out the boxing gloves and let my kids go at it with each other. Good healthy fun right? So just to be fair..I let the kids get some good punches in on their dad as well. So Brett, even though his appearance looks otherwise, won this particular match. In fact, he was undefeated for the night. Tommy helped him obtain this little bleeder with a good right hook. Boxing night sure is fun!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tribute to the new President Hussein

So we have a new quote un-quote "leader". I am worried about him trying to take our guns away. I am worried about him appointing those that don't have America's interest in heart to offices of power. I am worried about his plans to devalue the US dollar in order to instate the new currency of the AMERO, bringing us closer to a global government. I don't like the fact that he does not believe in God or Jesus Christ. I don't like the fact that he is registered as a MUSLIM. I hate that he was quoted saying "the Constitution is flawed" and "It is just a pice of paper". I can't stand Michelle Obama Hussein in the slightest. It disgusts me that he wont put his hand over is heart during the star spangled banner and wont say the pledge of allegiance. I am fear full of his intentions of stripping away our civil rights. I am very concerned with his economic strategy. But, as I have said before, this is the test to many of us. This is the time when we will have to endure to the end. Our faith will be tested. Our children will face more adversity than we could imagine. Nations are going to seek to destroy us. It is time to be stronger than ever in teaching your children correct principles. We must take the rights we still have as free citizens and exercise them to the fullest. This election was no surprise for me. It was prophecy that we would have a leader of foreign descent that would come into power and confuse and beguile our nation. Why are some of us surprised? Long ago since the times of President Jackson even, we as Americans have been allowing our rights to be slowly stripped from us. We have allowed the views of our society influence our thinking and The family unit at its core has suffered. Although I fear these things and have concern, I will stand courageous with my family and make it known that we stand firm with our faith in God and our Prophets. No one..including our new President...can strip us of that! There will be "change" alright, but not the change people were hoping for. Many fools will come to realize that they have supported someone who is deceiving them. My view will not change. This is not a battle of RACE, although the blacks have made it so. Here is the proof. 93% of blacks voted for Obama. 36% of those that voted, have never voted in another election...why now? I don't was inevitable, but never again will I lend a shred of sympathy when a black person tries to play the race card with me. As far as the civil rights movement, one thing was proven on November 4th. We as a nation took a couple steps back in our progression to becoming a Nation of equality.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

How do you like them apples?

On occasion, I get a sort of therapy out of writing on my blog or in my personal journal. I have sort of combined the 2 however I do have one for personal use only as well. The thoughts expressed here on this blog are more general and have been edited somewhat in order to protect those that are more sensitive. I am very thankful at this time for the things which I have been blessed with. I wish to talk a little more about this coming election as I have had the opportunity to live in a "swing State" for the past few months. To be has been quite refreshing to live outside Arizona, where everyone is just hardcore republican..just because everyone else is, I am refreshed to see a more diverse population here in the Midwest, however I see many many black people that are voting for Obama just because he is black. People are so ignorant it is silly.I am not Republican and I am definitely not Democrat. Republican politicians have lost touch in what being "Conservative" means. and Democrats...well, they are just insane! If I must put label on myself it would be "Conservative Libertarian". I believe in the constitution. I believe it was inspired by God. Our modern day Prophets have told us to uphold the Constitution. They have told us to be aware of the dangers of those who wish to strip us of our freedoms. This is not an effort to express my opinion or get into a discussion about who to vote for..I have been over that previously and it is irrelevant. This is a plea to anyone who reads this to wake up and stand up for your constitutional rights and protect them. We have the right to bear arms..Why? We have the freedom of religion..Why? We have the right to own property...again..Why? The freedom of speech...Why....we have every one of these rights because our founding fathers knew that if we didn't have these things...our government would be able to enslave us. I encourage all to buy guns and ammo while we still can...prices are through the roof in anticipation of Obama getting into property...speak out on your beliefs...before we know it, there will be penalties for displaying discontent with our longer will we be allowed to have sufficient firearms enough to overthrow a government if needed and religious freedoms will controlled by those who want you to believe as they do. Already we are faced with legislation that would prohibit any religion from not accepting same sex marriages. Be aware of these things.

On a lighter note. things are going good here in Missouri. Our family is pretty much adjusted. I am getting used to the cold weather and I bought my first pair of heavy duty cover-alls for the winter. The other morning I was out working and I was literally stung by the cold air going through my clothes. I really am an Arizona Boy. I have an interesting story to tell as I attended my kids' parent/teacher conference this last week. All the kids are doing well and learning the new system. Brett however is our "dreamer" that doesn't finish his work on time and is hard to keep on task. His teacher told us of a story that they were supposed to write about. She told them to pretend that they were each given a big basket of apples and they were to write about what they would do with the apples. Most kids wanted to make apple pie or apple turnovers or candied apples etc..Brett however..he wanted just to keep his basket of apples. His teacher thought this was because he just didn't want to write about anything, which may have been the case. I thought to myself..I would do the same thing...why ruin a nice basket of apples. It is just a hassle to make pies and such when one could just sit and enjoy his or her nice fresh apples. I sided with Brett on this particular issue but we will be working with him and figure out ways to keep him on task.

How do you like them apples????