Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Warning !!!

I have been up lately during the night, partly due to my leg that is cruising through the healing process, a little financial stress, but mostly due to the state our country is in. As I learn more and more about what our country is becoming, I get extremely frustrated. Not only frustration overcomes me, but anger and bitterness toward those that seek to destroy us. My friends, there are very dangerous people that are seeking to enslave us. They are friends of the adversary, and they are closer to us than we can imagine. Without sounding too pompous, I have been giving a gift. I have an ability to go into situations where others would normally struggle with temptation. I am able to see what others cannot in these situations. This does not mean that I am unaffected by being in these situations nor does it mean that I intend to continually put myself self in these situations, however, I have been in them from time to time. I have had some very interesting experiences of finding certain souls that need a light or example and being in a place where those kinds of things don't usually exist, you would be surprised at what can happen when those who are lost are drawn to those who are standing in holy places, even if the holy place is the 2' circumference around that individual only. I bare witness of these things, that there is always someone watching and always someone looking for that light. BE THAT LIGHT! I'm not telling you to go to a bar or night club and show your light there, but if you happen to find yourself in that situation for whatever reason, let it shine bright. This however is a stray from my initial topic on my mind tonight. the topic i am referring to is in found in Ether 8. Secret combinations. There are those secret combinations that are wolves in sheep's clothing, that are looking to destroy us, LDS or not. They want to take our freedoms from us and make us slaves. These "groups" or "organizations" are more dangerous than we can comprehend. They are within our government, they are within our communities and they have individuals that are even within our own church, Make no mistake about this, I am not a conspiracy theorist, I am not paranoid, nor am I crazy. This is as real as a hard attack folks. don't take my word for it. I have posted another video on my page with clips from our own modern day prophets speaking of these things which I am worried about. I will make my family aware of these issues as I have been aware of these dangers for some time now. I feel it is important to share tonight, and I am up late and stressed, so this is my release. I love you all and tell you these things in hope that you will take them to heart. Watch the video and listen to my Kennedy speech. need more proof? read the book of Mormon!

-Big Tom

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

:) Yes, you are very good lookin' in that picture. btw, I liked this post, you are very good with expressing yourself, very well put.