I am
sitting here in my new home in Missouri, enjoying the cool 75 degree weather, the leaves turning yellow, the occasional thunderstorm etc... I ponder a few things as I sit here. I watched the Vice Presidential and Presidential debates and I of course, being the opinionated individual I am, have my interpretation of things to come. I am very impressed with the mind of whomever decided to put that woman in as running mate to John McCain. PURE
GENIUS!!!! As intelligent as I think I am, I would have never thought of this tactic. HOWEVER, I will not be sucked into this as most republicans have been! Listen...Our society as we know it is FAILING!!!! Why is this???Plain and simple.......Men are not acting like men...and woman are not acting like women. I know there are many of you...even in my family that have disagreements with me regarding this subject, but the facts are the facts. Crime is high (rape, murder, theft, assault etc..), Grade averages are dropping at alarming rates each year nationally, teen pregnancy is climbing, homosexuality is becomming more and more common and "normal", boys are dressing like girls and girls like boys, "unisex" or metrosexual" is a common term for modern clothing. I can go on and on and on...We have to ask ourselves...WHY??? The answer is simply this...There are fewer mothers left in the home. Did we not think that there would be consequences to this line of behavior? Our society makes it easier for a woman to get divorced and be a single mom, rather than work things out with her husband. Now..I know there are circumstances that justify a divorce and a woman woking to provide for her family...Im not talking about those situations. Im talking about plain old common selfishness that causes a family to want more worldly things and to cause divorces which ultimately snatches the mom right out of the home and into the work force. I have a few points to make about this,,,again...not talking about the acceptions here...just generality. 1. Women are not equal to men....never have been, never will be. If God had created us equal, Men would be more sensative, Woman would be bigger and stronger with broad shoulders. Men were created to work and provide and Women were created to nurture and teach children, and together, it is Yen and Yang, peanut butter and jelly, the perfect match.
2. This world we live in can be mean, cold and harsh. It will chew you up and spit you out if you are not careful. This is no place for our heavenly father's daughters. They are to be kept safe and sheltered from the evils of the world and protected by the man who was designed to do so.
In conclusion to these thoughts, I CANNOT support a Vice President who wishes to set the example to the world that Americans no longer adhere to the traditional values that have kept our nation strong for all these years. This is the root of our problem folks. Sure, there are good and bad points for both sides of the presidential ticket. dont even get me started on Obama. I will put it to you straight like this. McCain is wolf in sheep's clothing and Obama is a wolf in Wolves clothing. They are both wolves and they are both dangerous to our nation. Prepare accordingly. Im not voting for either! There is no lesser of 2 evils here...ther is only evil!
vote Big Tom Van Vleet for president.because..on one hand we must vote because it is American...on the other hand...our votes dont matter...so vote for me!
Im seriously gonna write myself in on the ballot