Friday, June 13, 2008

Who are we?

I've been asked by a couple friends to post a blog. Since Veteran Jim Broussard (see video on my page) has inspired me, here we go. First, and foremost, I am very concerned about what is going on in the world right now, and I don't like what I see. Thousands of Americans giving their lives for something they believe in. They did it in WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, and Currently in the middle East. Even though this war is not what it seems. I stand behind our troops 100%. Now, that being said, just because I believe in the Flag and what it stands for, does not mean I agree with our government or its leaders. Furthermore, just because I do not agree with our government or its leaders, does not mean that the United States is a bad place to live. Please do not misconstrue what I am saying as I will make it perfectly clear. The United States of America is the most free, least corrupt, and the most desirable place to live in the entire world, and I am proud to call myself "American". I will fight for my freedoms and defend those rights with all resources of which i am capable. I will not tolerate a government that wishes to ultimately enslave its people. I am very aware of the intentions of certain individuals and organizations who wish to destroy our freedoms both foreign and local. I will teach my family and children to recognize these evils as well, and show them by example, that it is unacceptable. I will not display any malice or ill intent to any other American, as long as they not trying to destroy my freedoms, or the freedom of my children. I will not allow anyone to enslave me or my children with any "biochip" or mark of the beast (in any form). I am a man of peace, but I understand peace has a price that I am more than willing to sacrifice and pay. I also see our Nation that grows more and more weak everyday. I understand that this is due to: single parent families, lack of God and religion being practiced in the home, parents not teaching their children right from wrong, lawyers permitting criminals to take advantage of our justice system, break down in the school systems, etc.etc.. HOWEVER! The real problem is that most "Americans" neither have the desire, nor the STONES to stand for something they believe in and FIX these issues. We live in a state of mindless indifference. We have lost the desire to fight for the principles and beliefs that our forefathers fought for and shed their blood for. Peace is not simply "turning the other cheek" while others dictate how our children are to be raised. Peace is not becoming "numb" to what "Society" and the "Media" say is acceptable. We as a Society and as a Nation are too lazy look at ourselves and assume responsibility, because we are all too busy trying to point the finger elsewhere. Everyone would rather take a "cover your own ass" mentality. This will not go away, I can promise you that! I assure all who read this, that if we continue on this path, there will be nothing left but misery and suffering, and by the time our children, or our children's children, decide they want to do something about will be too late. Therefore, those of you who want answers instead of problems, here you go. Stop with the mindless media, video games, porn, etc.. Fill your minds with knowledge. Learn your history and understand that it tends to repeat itself on occasion. Pray to God, that you may learn the truth in things. Build up your family units, spiritually, physically, and mentally. Don't tear them down. Protect them with every fiber of your being. Refuse to stand idle as others impose their will and values upon you or your children. Band together with your neighbor, in a common objective of love and peace. Unlearn in your heads, this theory of selfishness, and understand that we are all connected as one. Do not confuse individuality, with separatism. Teach your children to think for themselves and how to become leaders, not sheep. Take a stand on something, I don't care if its wrong or right, as long as you stand by it with some conviction. that I can live with and I know You can live with too. My friends who know me, know I am saying these things in all humility for I have things that I definitely need improvement on. Please do not take my words as self righteous blabber. I have nothing but love for all of you. To my very close friends and family, you know who you are...continue to feed off one another in righteousness. It is time we all step it up a notch and get off the fence. I have been awakened by numerous current events from national to personal and spiritual, and I will NOT go back to sleep. You are all in my prayers and I love you. Who are you? Who are we?...It is now time to decide.

-Big Tom


Janel said...


Kayla said...

Awesome, You are a great writer! Glad you have started up a blog :)

Elizabeth said...

Wow, beautifully written. I am looking forward to reading up on you from time to time.